The Committee of Heads of Educational Institutions ICDO members states

Education committee

  1. The Scientific and Educational Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is formed by the Decision of the ICDO General Assembly
  2. The Committee by its status is a public expert and advisory body formed to assist in strengthening educational, scientific and technical cooperation between the ICDO Executive Committee and affiliated members of the ICDO from among the scientific and educational institutions from the member states, as well as with individual enterprises and organizations, associations and unions of legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership.
  3. The Committee carries out its activities in cooperation with the Permanent Secretariat of the ICDO, scientific and educational institutions from the member states, enterprises, international and non-governmental organizations, whose functions are directly related to the activities of the ICDO, in accordance with its Charter.
  4. Organizational and technical support of the activities of the Committee is carried out with the support of the Permanent Secretariat of the ICDO.

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Higher education certification

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Certification of training courses ICDO

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Certification of teacher training courses

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Certification of training courses for students

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The ICDO Permanent Secretariat plans to organize more than 19 international training courses (of which 12 countries are confirmed - preliminary 6 countries). In addition to international training courses, the Permanent Secretariat has received more than 9 requests through mobile training programs. Permanent Secretariat undertakes to conduct the maximum number of training programs in order to strengthen the human resources of the civil defense personnel of its member states.