During the night of Sunday 5 to Monday 6 February 2023, an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred in the territories of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic ofTilrkiye, causing thousands of deaths and widespread damage.
The Permanent Secretariat immediately sent to the two States as well as to the families and persons severely affected, the sincere condolences of the International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) to which the Secretary General added her compassion.
The Permanent Secretariat is currently working to provide the Syrian Government with humanitarian assistance in order to join the efforts of the Syrian authorities and the international community in the framework of early recovery.
At the same time, the Permanent Secretariat commends the solidarity actions undertaken so far by some ICDO Member States and, based on the solidarity that underpins the bonds between ICDO Member States, kindly invites others, according to their respective capacities, to continue this momentum of solidarity in favour of the victims of this disaster.
ICDO stands ready to facilitate contacts with the competent civil defence authorities of Syria in order to deliver humanitarian aid for the management of this disaster, according to the attached non-exhaustive list of needs.
The Permanent Secretariat of ICDO reiterates its thanks to the Member States for their spontaneous mobilization alongside the heavily affected States and takes this opportunity to renew to them the assurances of its high consideration.